Bulgarii emigrati in Valahia se stabilesc in satele Slobosia, Flamanda si Cakanova din apropierea Dunarii. Cartier Dudesti-Cioplea Pe langa acestia, 16 familii vin cu bagajele in suburbiile Bucurestiului, 6 pe mosia unei manastiri de la ...
Was that before or after they returned from their 5 week paid company vacations? Germany played there cards well...starting with devaluation of the Euro. Reply. 4. 0. Flag as Offensive. Xenophobia on Sep 3, 12:27 PM said: toofunny ...
Hello everybody. As you can understand this is just a simple attempt to share my experiences from my travels; and hopefully to have your opinions as well... I am intending to keep this blog in English but feel free to post your comments ...